Filter By Boolean value

You can filter your search results by boolean. For example, you can filter your search results by in_stock to only show in stock products.

Setup a boolean field

To filter by boolean value, you must first set up a boolean field.

Indexing the following document into Elasticsearch will create a boolean field called in_stock:

  "in_stock": true

and your mapping will look like this:

  "mappings": {
    "properties": {
      "in_stock": {
        "type": "boolean"

Filter Attribute Configuration

Add a filter attribute to your index configuration. The filter attribute will be used to filter your search results by in stock flag.

  "filter_attributes": [
    { attribute: 'in_stock', field: 'in_stock', type: 'string' },

Alternatively, you could setup the attribute under facet_attributes to make it available for faceting.

  "facet_attributes": [
    { attribute: 'in_stock', field: 'in_stock', type: 'string' },

The attribute name must be unique in both filter_attributes and facet_attributes. If you want to use the same attribute for both filtering and faceting, add it to facet_attributes only.

Using Filter Attributes

You can use the filter attribute in your search query to filter your search results by date within configure.

Syntax Examples

 "in_stock:true" # In stock is true

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